Members of Alumni Association of Singapore Are Invited to Visit Xiamen University Malaysia

  • 2017/10/19
  • Branch Events

On June 25th, led by vice chairman and general secretary Liu Zhiyuan, members of Xiamen University Alumni Association of Singapore visited Xiamen University Malaysia. Two senior alumni from the class of 1977 in the Department of Mathematics, Professor Chen Kang and Zhao Gongyun, who were now in National University of Singapore joined the tour as well. Wang Ruifang, president of XMUM and Zhang Jianlin, assistant to the president of XMU warmly welcomed them.


The guests left for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where XMUM lied at 8 in the morning. Although Malaysia was not far from Singapore, the latter was 300 kilometers away from XMUM. Because it was weekend and Ramadan, the entrance was so crowded that it took them seven hours to get the destination. Feeling fresh and excited, the guests were showed around the student activity center, the dormitories, the library, the basketball playground, the swimming pool and the multifunction classroom in the lead of the leaders of the campus. They also took in the Furong Lake, the group of five symbolic buildings that were nearing completion and the sports grounds. The familiar architecture of Tan Kah Kee made the alumni feel themselves at home.


After that, the guests gathered together in the multimedia classroom. President Wang Ruifang delivered a speech. President Wang introduced the present construction process of XMUM, its history and facts, and the challenges that had been met. So far, XMUM has completed the first part of the first stage, and the whole project is expected to finish before December. More than 300 students were firstly admitted to XMUM majoring in Business, Literature, Traditional Chinese Medicine Science, Science and Engineering, etc. President Wang stated various difficulties they had come across, such as how to running a transcultural school and how to administer the multicultural campus. He called on the alumni to try to help support XMUM.


After the delivery, President Wang answered some questions about admission, recruit and graduates. With a detailed understanding of XMUM, the visitors applauded for the share.


At last, the guests took a group photo in front of the campus, promising that they would pay a visit again.
