The First Council and President Office Meeting of Law Branch Was Held Successfully

  • 2017/10/19
  • Branch Events

At Four in the afternoon of February 23, the first council and president office meeting of law branch of Xiamen University Alumni Association was held. Present at the meeting were: Li Zhiyong, Secretary of Communist Party of School of Law, Song Fangqing, Dean of School of Law, Zhou Lei, Vice Secretary of Communist Party of School of Law, Guo Jinxing, Vice Secretary of Communist Party of School of Law, Lin Xiuqin, Deputy Dean of School of Law, He Lixin, Deputy Dean of School of Law, Zhu Yansheng, Deputy Dean of School of Law, Lin Xurong, Vice Secretary of Youth League committee of School of Law, as well as Yao Ming, Executive Director of Xiamen University General Alumni Association, and President of Xiamen University Alumni Association of Xiamen(XUAAX), Huang Xin, Secretary of XUAAX, Wang Ping, the first president of council of law branch of XUAAX, Li Yiyang, Deputy President and  Secretary General, Deputy President Liu Youguo, Luo Yaoqiang, He Peiming, Su Lihui, Luo Shuguang, Huang Xianjun, and Ouyang Zhe, Senior Consultant Wu Shunbin, Guo Youping, Ye Yanliu, and Sun Weixing, former students Zheng Jinbian, Hou Changlu, Cao Fagui, and Fan Shigao, and Director of Executive Office of the General Alumni Association Zhou Minqin. Li Zhiyong and Wang Ping jointly inaugurated the branch. 

After the inauguration, Secretary Li Zhiyong and Dean Song Fangqing delivered the plague to President Wang Ping, Secretary General Li Yiyang, and other representatives. The meeting mainly discussed the arrangement of the law branch of XUAAX, of which the communication of School of Law and Xiamen University, the construction of School of Law, 95th anniversary of Xiamen University, and 90th anniversary of School of Law were more important. In addition, the meeting also discussed the establishment of the charter of the council, strengthening the setup of internal organization by setting up literature and art, sports, painting and calligraphy, photography, reading, and other branches, running special events, such as lectures, football matches, photo contests, photographic exhibition, and other characteristic brand activities. The meeting also passed the resolution to appoint Chen Guomeng as honorary president, and Chen Xiuxin as senior consultant.
