Alumni Association of Zhangzhou Celebrates 96th Anniversary of the Alma Mater

  • 2017/10/19
  • Branch Events

On the morning of April 2nd, Xiamen University Alumni Association of Zhangzhou held the meeting of 96th anniversary of the Alma Mater in Yifu Building, Minnan Normal University. More than 100 alumni enjoyed a joyful gathering and celebrated the anniversary together.


Wu Binglong, vice president of Xiamen University Alumni Association of Zhangzhou reported the general development situation of XMU over the past 96 years. Later, the two graduates of Department of Chinese Huang Yuqiu from the class of 1952 and You Tianci from the class of 1956, together with Zhou Yangning, graduate of Department of Law from 1980, Zheng Laifa from the class of 1984, Chen Heling, graduate of Department of Journalism from the class of 2002, Tang Qiwei, one of the first class of graduates of Art College, alumni from EMBA chapter and Law chapter gave speeches during the meeting, expressing their gratitude toward the Alma Mater.


You Tianci fondly remembered his four-year university life in the Department of Chinese in XMU after 1956 when he entered there, and missed his teachers Zheng Chaozong and Huang Diancheng of rigorous scholarship and great learning. He said, “the teachers in XMU not only teach us knowledge, but also make us prepared for our whole life, which exactly reflects the motto: Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection. The best way to memorize our school is to follow it and be inspired by it.”


During the meeting, executive vice president and general secretary Wu Liangtong reported the four pioneering work of XMU Alumni Association of Zhangzhou. First, it encouraged alumni to make donations to set up financial aid packages. Second, its members made a TV special 80-Year Love to XMU. Third, it successfully held a celebration themed 80-Year Love to XMU. Fourth, it was awarded as the advanced unit. Wu Liangtong stated that XMU Alumni Association of Zhangzhou would strengthen the strategic cooperation with the school in a higher lever and make contributions to the development of XMU and Zhangzhou.


It is reported that Zhang Wenchang from the school of 2006 submitted a proposal to host the public service activity about career planning among the students who had gotten its financial aid packages.
