America Association' 30th Anniversary

  • 2017/10/19
  • Branch Events

On October 4th in Chicago, the 2014 Annual Meeting of Xiamen University America Alumni Association, and it was also a conference to renew the council members. 130 alumni from all over the America gathered together, looking back to its glorious history while wishing XMU as well as the motherland a promising future. Wang Haojie, chairman of the alumni association and former secretary of the school party committee, Zhan Xinli, vice president of Xiamen University and vice chairman of the alumni association, Zeng Guobin, secretary general of the alumni association, Ding Jianlin, vice president of Zhejiang alumni association, Zhang Qiulong, vice secretary general of Beijing alumni association, Luo Xingping, president of the economic fellow-students association attended the meeting. Graduated from Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in 1951, 88-year-old Feng Rongjie also showed up and paid a special congratulation. Ma Linlan, consul of Education of the Chinese Consulate General in Chicago delivered a speech at the meeting, accompanied by Chen Bingjun, deputy consul.


Chen Yuluan, 2012-2014 chairman of the alumni association, who was from 1981 Department of Chemistry addressed the working report on behalf of the council, reviewing all the achievement it had made in the last two years. Later, Fu Zhidong, chairman of the alumni association recalled its 30-year impressive history.


Then, Zeng Guobin announced the election result of 2014-2016 council and introduced the new members. Wang Fen, the graduate of the class of 1978 from Department of Biology was appointed chairman. He thanked for the trust and promised that he would strengthen the communication and cooperation with XMU on the base of connection and service work, making contributions to the alma mater by combining everyone.


Zhan Xinli awarded the new chairman the delivered an enthusiastic speech. She not only listed some achievements the alumni association had made in terms of donations, talent introduction, enrollment publicity, international cooperation and communication to help support the development of XMU, but also gave her full recognition on their profound emotions. Then, she updated some general information of XMU from the perspective of personnel training, subject building and internationalized school running mode. What’s more, she presented several new moves, for example, the plan setting scholarships by alumni, the plan appointing alumni as supervisors, special card for alumni and so on, wishing them to keep on supporting XMU.


And then, Wang Houjie awarded Chen Yuluan. He firstly expressed his great attitude toward Mr. Tan Kah Kee. After that, he humorously describe the position and the achievement of the alumni association with five “the mosts”, five “the firsts” and fours “the unforgettable experiences”. Wang emphasized that the alumni were the indispensable parts of the university, and they embodied the reputation of the alma mater, as well as the most precious wealth. Therefore, the school had attached great importance to the alumni work, including expanding the sources and keeping in contact with the alma mater. He also introduced new achievements the General Alumni Association.


The alumni were all greatly inspired and showed full confidence. The applauds appeared from time to time. In order to help promote the career development of the alumni, one lecture and communicative activities about job-searching were arranged.


This meeting symbolizes that the alumni association enters a new epic. The alumni association will reunite all alumni and look forward the next 30 years.

