Alumni Association of Canada hosts Chinese New Year Gathering

  • 2017/10/19
  • Branch Events

On Feb. 11th, when it was the night of Lantern Festival, Xiamen University Alumni Association of Canada hosted Chinese New Year Gathering accompanied to the school song. More than 70 alumni and their relatives took an active part in the party. The different and unique venue and style were highly thought of by the alumni.


The party was arranged in a Chinese Tea Themed Club, and the traditional Chinese decorations, calligraphy works and paintings enabled the alumni to flying home.


The potluck at the party provided opportunities for the alumni to learn cooking skills from each other. Many alumni brought cuisines of Xiamen or their hometowns’ flavors there, as if they were in their real hometown.


One of the alumnus Lin Jun was a famous photographer in Toronto. With professional photographic equipment, Lin Jun offered to take family photos and personal photos for free for the alumni. Wearing Cheongsam or Tang suit, everyone felt themselves as young as several years ago when the shutter was pressed.


Guessing who the alumnus or the alumna was on the basis of the old photos was the most exciting part at the party. The photos were all taken in the campus during the university time, displayed one by one on the screen.


Auction was the repertoire of the alumni. Hosted by the alumnus Wang Yuexiang, everything goes smoothly and excitingly. All the items were offered for free by the alumni and were sold completely. The income would be reserved by the alumni association as the fund for serving the alumni.


Led by the new chairman Zhu Weiyuan, the rest of the new council members all delivered brief speeches.


Rebecca, daughter of the alumnus Niu Qiang, performed two dances for the audience.


As the red pocket was a necessity in Chinese Spring Festival, the alumni association had prepared red pockets symbolizing good luck for the alumni’s kids on the spot, carrying a good wish that the young generation would grew up healthily.


After the joyful party, several alumni volunteered to help clear the place.


Wish every alumnus a happy family and everything goes well as the wish.
