Alumni Association of Liaoning Successfully Hosts Forum Activity

  • 2017/10/19
  • Branch Events

On January 12th, 2017 forum activity was successfully hosted in Dalian. Professor Guan Chenghua, Director of the Capital Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy was invited to deliver a speech. 15 delegates from the alumni association and other brother alumni association and some entrepreneurs took part in the forum.


The host was Liu Guohe, executive vice president of the alumni association and general secretary. Doctor Zhang Dexiang, president of the alumni association addressed a speech in the very beginning, in which he briefly introduced the general situation of the forum and his friendship with Pro. Guan for many years.


The theme of Pro. Guan’s speech was about the thinking of revitalization of Northeast China. As a visiting scholar at Harvard University, he deeply investigated the mental model and thinking habit of Chinese and Americans. He analyzed his understanding of success and its standard, and he raised the statement that it need entrepreneur and entrepreneurship for revitalization of Northeast China on the basis of his research on many years’ national governance and enterprise innovation.


After the speech, Changjiang scholar Qiu Dong highly recommended Pro. Guan’s speech. The audience indicated that they were inspired and educated by Pro. Guan, Liu Guohe said that in the next year, it was important for everyone to roll up our sleeves and work with added energy, making contribution to the Northeast Beijing. In the end, Guo Shitao, general secretary of Peking University Alumni Association of Dalian gave a piece of calligraphy to Pro. Guan, which reads “the world belongs to all”.
