The 17th XMU General Alumni Association Council Convened its First Meeting

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

On the morning of April 6th, after the 95th anniversary celebration of XMU, members of the general alumni association of XMU council and alumni representatives hurried to Keli Building in order to discuss how to further unite feelings and power of alumni, how to build the alumni association, serve alma mater and alumni better.

Zhu Chongshi, chairman of the 17th general alumni association of XMU council and president of XMU, made a speech. He expressed heartfelt gratitude for the selfless contribution made by pioneers, spoke highly of the recent alumni work, reported the achievements during the 12th Five Year Plan and the goals during the 13th Five Year Plan, and conveyed the spirit of special session on the construction and development of XMU by Fujian Provincial Committee. Zhu said that XMU is the only university in the world which respectfully addresses its founder as “school master”. These two words reflect XMUers’ admiration for Mr. Tan Kah-kee’s love for country and university and his selfless contribution. Tan Kah-kee spirit not only inspires XMUers to work hard in different areas and devote to the country and the society but also forms the tradition of XMU that alma mater and alumni love and support each other. Alumni are always precious fortune and important support for alma mater. XMU and the general alumni association council will take the opportunity of the 95th anniversary celebration of XMU to serve alumni, unite their power, enrich alumni culture and inspire the potential of alumni work, driving XMU to be a world-class university.

Lin Dongwei, vice chairman of the general alumni association, read supplement and adjustment opinions, which were approved by all council members. Representatives from different alumni associations in different places reported the work of the alumni association they serve separately. They shared experience, put forward advice and conveyed their wishes to make more contributions to alma mater and serve alumni better. Yu Shujun said that XMUers always keep Tan Kah-kee spirit firmly in mind and promised that when they are back, they would work harder to make more achievements for alma mater, which earned warm applause.

This is the first meeting of the 17th general alumni association of XMU council hosted by Zhan Xinli, vice chairman of the general alumni association. Wu Boxi, Chen Kongli, Lin Zugeng, Weng Xinqiao, Huang Liangkuai, Wang Haojie, honorary chairman, Lin Dongwei, Ye Shiman, Pan Shimo, Sun Shigang, vice chairman and all council members attended the meeting.

The general alumni association of XMU was officially founded in Changting on May 6th, 1940. SA Ben-dong, president of XMU at that time, once said that the main mission of the alumni association is to unite talented people graduated from the same university, contact elites apart from alumni and endeavor to make contributions to the country and the society. At present, there are 81 alumni associations of XMU distributed all round the world and they can be found in every province, city and municipality of China. Every college and institute is pushing forward the construction of alumni associations in different places.          
