Alumni Association of Wenzhou Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary Celebration

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

Wenzhou Alumni Association 30 anniversary celebration and leadership transition was held in downtown Wenzhou on May 6. The theme of this event was "joy, helping, sharing, inheritance and progress" and it was divided into three parts, namely, forum, celebration, and dinner.

At the forum session, professor Xu Chongli of School of Law of Xiamen University delivered the lecture named as "A Free Talk on a Wenzhou Jurist" and professor Zhang Yili who graduates from Xiamen University now works in Commercial College of Wenzhou University delivered the lecture named as "Entrepreneur Innovation and Supply-Side Reform" respectively. Their lectures were simple but profound and won applause from the audience from time to time.

Zhang Yili, president of the Fifth Council of Wenzhou Alumni Association briefly reviewed the 30 years’ history of Wenzhou Alumni Association. Wenzhou Alumni Association was established at the beautiful banks of the Oujiang River in May 1987. For 30 years, Wenzhou Alumni Association has been adhered to the school motto "pursue excellence, strive for perfection" and adhered to the idea of "empathy, consensus, sharing, and win-win". It carried out a series of activities to serve the alma mater, Wenzhou, and alumni and grew from a small family with 25 members to now a big family with more than 400 members. Zhan also added that Wenzhou Alumni Association had gradually become a unique landscape along the Oujiang River and become an important communication platform for Wenzhou alumni.

Zheng Jikun, Zhang Yili, Wu Jidao, Dai Chaohui, Lin Li, Zheng ye, Chen Ruixiang, Ding Danling, Li fang, Chen Chao were awarded "Award of Merit" and Zou Rongsen, Yu Zhiyong, Wang Rongwei and Ye Haiqing were awarded "Alumni Stars--Prize for Outstanding Contribution in the ceremony. The latter award was chosen by Zhejiang Alumni Association.

It is worth mentioning that this conference set a special part to issue "XMU alumni card" to old alumni. Jia Qiping, Zheng Jikun, Guo Songxiang, Li Zhicheng, Gu Wentao, Zou Rongsen, Ye Changyuan and Yu Hesheng came to the stage and received the meaningful cards from Zhan Xinli, vice president of Xiamen University and vice president of the General Alumni Association of Xiamen University.

Subsequently, Zhan Xinli delivered the plaque to the new president of the council Yu Zhiyong, 1984 alumnus from Department of International Trade and gave flag to Wenzhou Alumni Association. Deputy secretary general of the General Alumni Association Shi Huixia then announced members of the new council of Wenzhou Alumni Association.

At the meeting, Zhan Xinli congratulated Wenzhou Alumni Association on its 30 anniversary on behalf of the General Alumni Association. She said that once became a student of Xiamen University, you would develop a lifelong love with Xiamen University and the 30 years’ history of Wenzhou Alumni Association was the vivid portrait of Wenzhou Alumni. It was the history of serving alumni, serving the alma mater, and serving the society. She noted that alumni were not only the the witnesses of the school development but also the successors of the "Four Spirits" of the school. She then explained "Four Spirits" to the alumni present there and gave vivid examples in different times to elaborate the inheritance of it.

During her stay in Wenzhou, Zhan Xinli visited veteran Zheng Changwei, 1945 alumna from Department of Law and Wenzhou Clock Culture Center, a company owned by a Wenzhou alumnus. At an old age, Zheng Changwei was still in good health. She introduced her recent situation, recaptured her study in Xiamen University, and recalled her experience of joining the revolution as a CPC underground party member. Her patriotic spirit moved everyone. Zhan Xinli then presented the alumni card and books about Xiamen University to Zheng and invited her to visit the alma mater. Wenzhou Clock Culture Center is founded by 2012 alumnus Chen Ruixiang, master of software engineering and the center is now a well-known base to spread clock culture. Chen Ruixiang is dedicated to the inheritance of watchmaking skills and under his effort, clock repair has become an intangible cultural heritage project in Wenzhou.
