The Second "YaoMing Group Cup" Alumni Table Tennis Match Held Successfully

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

On April 22, nineteen teams composed of alumni, students, and teachers of Xiamen University participated in the Second "YaoMing Group Cup" Alumni Table Tennis Match organized by the General Alumni Association, Xiamen Alumni Association, and Physical Education Department of Xiamen University, co-organized by Xiamen University Table Tennis Association in Mingpei Stadium of Siming Campus. Zhan Xinli, vice president of Xiamen University and vice president of the General Alumni Association of Xiamen University and Yao Ming, president of Xiamen Alumni Association addressed the opening ceremony respectively and kicked off the game. Lai Hongkai, deputy secretary of Party Committee and commission for discipline inspection of Xiamen University attended the closing ceremony and awarded the champion.

Zhan Xinli said that small as table tennis, it was full of strength and could promote cohesion and friendship. So she hoped that alumni table tennis game could develop into a brand event during the anniversary and into a platform linked by table tennis where alumni could interact with each other and thus to enrich their lives, promote cultural exchanges, and strengthen their friendships. Yao said that the spirit of Xiamen University had already integrated into his life and the culture of his company. He hoped that alumni table tennis game, as another embodiment of the spirit of Xiamen University, could become a tradition during the celebration of the anniversary to promote cultural exchanges among alumni.

After the representatives of athletes and judges making their pledges, the match started. The match was so fierce that it was interspersed with smash, spin, and curveball. Players’ superb skills drew loud applauses and cheers from time to time and the exciting sound of "nice shot" echoed in Mingpei Stadium.

After a day of fierce competition, Xiamen alumni team eventually won the first prize; the first team of Table Tennis Association won second place; "Yao Ming Group" and Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College tied for third; Rongcheng alumni, Quanzhou alumni and student team shared on the fifth place. "Taolitianxia" (which means having students all over the world in Chinese) alumni team, Senior Sports Association team, Shanghai alumni, Shenzhen alumni, Hangzhou alumni, ZhangPu alumni, Full Numerous Auto team, Dongdu alumni, the second team of Table Tennis Association, Xiang’an Campus of Xiamen University, and Xiamen University Hospital won Friendship Award. Lai Hongkai awarded the winning teams trophies and the winning athletes medals after the match.

Alumni table tennis match has become a routine of our school during the anniversary. It is not only a part of the celebrations buta also a platform for alumni to meet friends, deepen exchanges, and promote friendships.
