HuaTech “ Palm Campus” Donation Ceremony Held Successfully

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

On the afternoon of March 31st, HuaTech “Palm Campus” donation ceremony was held in the meeting room of Huaixian Building. Yu Shujun, chairman of the alumni association of Inner Mongolia, alumnus of Grade 1994 graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and cultures and chairman of Inner Mongolia HuaTech Company of Limited, Chen Zhiwei, secretary of the party committee of College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Luo Chunxia, deputy director of Integrated Office of institutes, Xu Zhuobin, deputy director of Network Information Center, Deng Zejun, deputy secretary of the party committee of Logistics Group, and representatives from students' affairs office, resources administrative office, modern education technology and practice center and institute of education attended the ceremony, which was hosted by Zeng Guobin, secretary general of the general alumni association.

Zeng Guobin expressed heartfelt gratitude and admiration for the donation by Yu Shujun and HuaTech, introduced the background of this donation and hoped that “Palm Campus” would offer the biggest convenience for talent cultivation and campus administration. He said that the donation is not only a gift for the 95th anniversary celebration of alma mater but also a reflection of his sincere love for XMU.

Yu Shujun said that as a student graduated from XMU, he could never forget the cultivation by alma mater and the setting when he studied at school, where he not only acquired knowledge but also harvested friendship, love and life method. Yu also said that it is the exact time to repay to alma mater and hoped to strive together with alma mater to make our country a powerful nation of education.

At last, Zhang Jianbin, vice general manager of HuaTech, introduced the functions of “Palm Campus” in detail and consulted with people from relevant departments about the processing and application of this software and other platforms.

