Efforts and Wisdom United to Do Alumni Work under the New Situation

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

On the afternoon of January 12th, the alumni work meeting was held at the Auditorium 220 of Song’en Building in Xiamen University to summarize previous experience and plan future development. Zhu Chongshi, president of XMU and chairman of the XMU general alumni association, Lin Dongwei, deputy secretary of the school party committee and vice chairman of the XMU general alumni association, Zhan Xinli and Ye Shiman, vice president of XMU and vice chairman of the general alumni association of XMU, Pan Shimo, vice chairman of the general alumni association of XMU attended the meeting and presented certificate of honor for advanced units in alumni work and the winners of the 3rd New Year e-card design competition. The meeting was hosted by Zeng Guobin, secretary general of the general alumni association of XMU.

In the meeting, Zhu Chongshi made a report on alumni work. Zhang Longhai, the dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, He Lixin, assistant dean of School of Law, Huang Yuxia, deputy secretary of school party committee of the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Qiu Qixing, secretary of the party committee of the College of Ocean and Earth Sciences made a speech one by one. They separately introduced their colleges’ work and achievements in functioning as bridge and bond and promoting contacts among university, colleges and alumni. Lin Dongwei read recognition decisions on 2015 XMU advanced units in alumni work and the 3rd XMU New Year e-card design competition. Zhan Xinli introduced the background of the draft on improving the system and mechanism of alumni work .

Zhu Chongshi retrospected the alumni work in recent three years. He said that alumni work is an important part of university work, playing an important role in uniting people and power. Therefore, school party and school administration always pay close attention to alumni work. Faculties, students and alumni also care for it. In recent years, alumni work, centering around school work, has made great achievements by uniting wisdom and power, in improving alumni work network, broadening the channel of serving alumni and increasing the influence of alumni work.

Zhu Chongshi emphasized that 95 years is a vivid history in which school cultivate students and students show gratitude for school, alma mater support alumni and alumni feedback alma mater. First-class alumni work is the common characteristic of world-class university, thus it has been a common sense that great importance should be attached to alumni for the development of domestic universities and the improvement of schooling capability. At present, XMU is actively exploring method to build a world-class university with first-class disciplines, which requires support from alumni and further improvement of the level and quality of alumni work through reform and innovation.

Zhu Chongshi made four requests for the alumni work under new situation. First, everyone should attach great importance to alumni work and realize its important role in promoting to school development. The key to make a breakthrough in alumni work is to give full play to the initiative and creativity of departments and colleges. Second, wisdom and efforts should be united to make everyone alumni worker. Every department and college should take alumni work as systematic and long-term work, complete the practice and mechanism of alumni work, and establish effective interactions between alma mater and alumni. Third, colleges should regularly convene joint conference between party and administration to summarize experience in time, make advantage of alumni resources and promote alumni work. Forth, it is important to make plans in advance to unite alumni power for university development.

In the meeting, 2015 XMU advanced units in alumni work and the winners of the 3rd XMU New Year e-card design competition were awarded. College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, School of Law, School of Economics, School of Management, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering were elected as 2015 XMU advanced units in alumni work. 8 students won a prize in the 3rd XMU New Year e-card design competition.

Zhan Xinli emphasized that alma mater is always the spiritual home to XMUers and alumni are also the most reliable power of XMU. Alumni work is an important index in measuring the schooling level and quality and evaluating the position of a university. Every department and college should fully understand the significance of alumni resources and alumni work, carefully read the draft on improving the system and mechanism of alumni work to further complete it, strengthen the awareness of serving alumni to enhance their connection and sense of belonging, and endeavor to establish a alumni work system.

The new general alumni association of XMU council was set up in 2015 and Zhu Chongshi, president of XMU, is the chairman. At present, there are 81 alumni associations of XMU distributed all round the world, which have become solid bond between alma mater and alumni.      

