XMU Leaders Attend 2015 Annual Meeting of the XMU Alumni Association of Chao Shan District and Assistance Learning Activity

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

On the afternoon of August 15th, 2015 annual meeting of the XMU alumni association of Chao Shan district and assistance learning activity was held in longhu hotel, the city of Shantou. Over 100 alumni at different age stages from Chao Shan district merrily gathered together.

The conference kicked off with the anthem of XMU. Lin Weixiong, alumnus of Grade 1976 graduated from the Department of Ocean Sciences and chairman of the XMU alumni association of Chao Shan district, made annual report. Cheng Hong, deputy secretary general of the alumni association, reported the utilization of founds. In the meeting, modified scheme on the constitution of the XMU alumni association of Chao Shan district and the constitution of the XMU alumni association of Chao Shan district foundation were approved.

Cai Wenchao, secretary general of the alumni association, hosted the financial aid award ceremony. Lin Weixiong, Zheng Wenli, Shi Huixia and so on presented 10 students with first-class and second-class financial aid.

Yang Weina, on behalf of all the aid-receiving students, delivered a speech. She expressed her gratitude for the alumni in Chao Shan district and promised that she would work hard to realize all-round development and try her best to carry forward the good tradition of assistance learning.

Pan Shimo, vice chairman of the general alumni association of XMU, talked about his own connections with Chao Shan district and acknowledged the achievements made by the alumni association. He also introduced the work of the general alumni association in recent five years and future plans, which inspired the alumni.  

Shan Ming, honorary chairman and executive chairman of the XMU alumni association of Guangdong, said that assitance learning activities of the alumni association of Chao Shan district must have a great influence on the alumni in Guangdong.

Xu Zongling, alumnus of Grade 1977 graduated from the Department of Economics, vice chairman of Shantou Committee of CPPCC and president assistant of Shantou University, on behalf of all the alumni in Chaoshan, recollected her happy time in XMU.

Xie Huirong, on behalf of the Overseas Chinese federation of Shantou, acknowledged the work done by the alumni association. She also cited “ inexhaustible knowledge and boundless love” and expressed her admiration and appreciation for infinite love of XMU and Tan Kah-kee spirit.

Lin Dongwei, deputy secretary of the school party committee and vice chairman of the general alumni association of XMU, recognized the kindness of alumni in Chao Shan district. Lin said that assistance learning by alumni is not only material inspiration but also mental inspiration. He also pointed out that the first priority of universities is cultivating students, the quality of which is measured by their contribution to the society, country and nation. He cited Premier Li Keqiang’s words “I hope XMUers are expected to make contributions to the whole country” to inspire alumni in Chao Shan district to make new contributions to the economic and social development of Guangdong and Chao Shan district.

Lin Dongwei also reported the new development of alma mater in recent one year and the proud achievements made by faculties, students and alumni. In the annual meeting, alumni expressed their miss for alma mater. The meeting ended in group photographing.   
