XMU France Alumni Association Officially Founded

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights
On the afternoon of June 6th, the founding conference of the XMU France alumni association was held in Paris.

On the afternoon of June 6th, the founding conference of the XMU France alumni association was held in Paris.

The conference kicked off with the propaganda film of XMU. Zeng Guobin read the list of the first council members of the XMU France alumni association, Jia Zixian, alumnus of Grade 2003 graduated from Department of Chemistry, is selected as the first chairman, Jin Chenxi, Huang Yisheng, Deng Zhiqiang, Shao Feng and Zhang Xiaolong, alumni of Grade 2002 graduated from the Department of Computing, as vice chairman. Dai Shize, alumnus of Grade 2006 graduated from the Department of Finance, as secretary general. Then, Zhan Xinli presented chairman tablet to Jia Zixian. Zeng Guobin and Mao Tongwen presented the flag and calligraphy work to the XMU France alumni association.

Zhan Xinli congratulated on the foundation of the alumni association. She introduced the latest condition of talent cultivating, scientific research, social service and cultural inheritance and innovation, especially the XMU research ship, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia Campus and work on enrollment and talent introduction. Zhan vividly described the moving scenes when Premier Li Keqiang visited XMU for inspection. She expected alumni could seize the opportunity to promote the development of alma mater and make contribution to the communication between China and France. She also introduced preferential policies for recruiting overseas talents to work back home in order to improve the academic level of XMU and encouraged distinguished alumni in France to serve our country.

Zou Runming, first secretary of the education department of Chinese Embassy in France, in his address, pointed out that the Association of Chinese Students and Scholars, Professional Association and the French alumni association of Chinese universities are three main associations of Chinese scholars in France. He encouraged alumni in France to inherit fine traditions of alma mater and make contributions to the economic and cultural exchange between France and China.

Jia Zixian, on behalf of the first council, pointed that the alumni association will adhere to principles of loving country, loving alma mater and serve the alumni wholeheartedly and carry forward work in such aspects as serving alma mater, alumni and enhancing Sino-French relations.

There are over 130 registered alumni in France, mainly young alumni. After half year’s preparation, the XMU France alumni association was officially founded and has registered in  French Interior Ministry, which is the 80th alumni association of XMU and the 2nd XMU alumni association in Europe after the XMU UK alumni association.
