Annual Meeting of the XMU Alumni Association of Szechwan Held to Celebrate its 5th Anniversary

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights
On the afternoon of November 21st, 2015, the 5th anniversary celebration of the XMU alumni association of Szechwan and Western Alumni Summit Forum was held in Chengdu.

On the afternoon of November 21st, 2015, the 5th anniversary celebration of the XMU alumni association of Szechwan and Western Alumni Summit Forum was held in Chengdu. Over 200 alumni in Szechwan merrily gathered together and recollected the time spent in alma mater. Sun Shigang, vice chairman of the general alumni association and former vice president of XMU, Huang Liangkuai, honorary chairman of the general alumni association, Zeng Guobin, secretary general snd Zheng Wenli, dean of the College of Continuing Education attended the meeting.

Sun Shigang, on behalf of the general alumni association, acknowledged the achievements made by he alumni association of Szechwan in five years and introduced the development of alumni work. He was glad to see that the XMU alumni association of Szechwan adhered to the motto “Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection” and contributed to the economic and social development of Szechwan, earning great honor for XMU in Szechwan Province and even Western areas. At last, he sincerely invited alumni return to school to attend the 95th anniversary celebration of XMU and give advice on the development of alma mater.

Zhao Yuegang, chairman of the XMU alumni association of Szechwan, focusing on serving alumni, alma mater and Szechwan, concluded past one year’s work and promised to enhance connection and pass on Tan Kah-kee spirit from generation to generation. Su Xinlei, chairman of the XMU alumni association of Shaanxi, on behalf of Western alumni association, said that they would learn from the alumni association of Szechwan and based on local characteristics, unite alumni to make contribution to local and alma mater’s development.

Summit Forum was also held in the annual meeting, which is a feast of knowledge for alumni. Sun Shigang, expert in the field of chemistry, made a report on the trend of electrochemistry power source in the 13th five-year plan for science and technology development. He emphasized the important role electrochemistry power source plays and future opportunities and challenges. Yang Jinlin, experienced media person and alumnus of Grade 1978 from the Department of History made a report to offer another dimension of reflecting on life: bear responsibility and control oneself in front of fame and interest.

In the meeting, Jinlin Library public benefit activities officially started, cooperated by public welfare foundation and the XMU alumni association of Szechwan. The library will be built in Pingchang County of Bazhong City to support rural children’s reading. 
