Colleagues from Guilin University of Electronic Technology and North China Electric Power University Come to Visit

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

Colleagues from Guilin University of Electronic Technology and North China Electric Power University visited the General Alumni Association of Xiamen University successively to exchange alumni work experience on June 30. Secretary general Zeng Guobin, vice secretary general Shi Huixia, and the guests attended the symposium in the conference room on the second floor of Huaixian Building.

Colleagues from Guilin University of Electronic Technology was led by their vice president Hu Zemin who majored in senior management in Xiamen University in 2002. In the symposium, Zeng Guobin systematically and comprehensively introduced the development of the General Alumni Association of Xiamen University from the perspectives of history, organization structuring, staffing, and local alumni associations. He took working measures like alumni database, WeChat official account “XMU Alumni”, and joint committee of the global alumni associations as examples to share experience and innovations in alumni liaison and services in recent years with the guests. Both sides also discussed on how to promote local alumni register and how to use new media to propel alumni liaison and services in detail.

North China Electric Power University was led by Zhao Dongming, the minister for external relations and cooperation. During the exchange, Shi Huixia introduced the construction situations of 86 global alumni associations of Xiamen university and shared the work of the General Alumni Association from the aspects of the network, promotion, and contributions of the alumni. She also took "Small Donation, Endless Love--Alumni Ten-Yuan Donation" promoted during this year’s school anniversary as an example to share her work ethic--to avoid utilitarian and to view alumni services and dissemination of university culture as purposes. Subsequently, both sides had a further discussion and exchanges on the issues of system construction in the department and faculty level, alumni database construction, and the legal register of local alumni associations.
