2017 Annual Meeting of Shanghai

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

2017 Annual Meeting of XMU Shanghai Alumni Association had its brand opening on June 25, 2017. With the theme of "2017, I love you", this meeting was hosted by XMU Shanghai Alumni Association and co-organized by Economy and Finance Branch of Shanghai Alumni Association.

Before the start of the meeting, video shot by 14 branches of Shanghai Alumni Association reminded audiences of their various activities over the past year. In the video, seniors from around the world send their warm words to the later generation. Then, audiences sang school song together and the meeting officially began.

Wan Jianhua gave welcome speech first. He extended warmest welcome to all the distinguished guests and alumni and expressed sincere gratitude to the branches for their long time contributions to Shanghai Alumni Association. He pointed out that this year’s annual meeting was co-organized by a branch for the first time and it was a very successful attempt of Shanghai Alumni Association. He appreciated efforts made by Economy and Finance Branch. Since the Sixth Joint Meeting of XMU Alumni Association Secretary General will be held in Shanghai in May next year, he hoped that all the members could be in full effect in making the joint meeting a success.

Xu Wencai made 2016 annual report of Shanghai Alumni Association. He informed the audiences of a piece of good news that Shanghai Alumni Association was awarded "outstanding alumni association" in the first global alumni association award of Xiamen University and he also reviewed the work of Shanghai alumni from 2016 to 2017 including setting up branch and alumni fund, helping the old alumni, organizing sports events, and joining Shanghai 985 University Union. Meanwhile, he previewed the focus of work next year--co-organizing the Sixth Joint Meeting of XMU Alumni Association Secretary General.

After the report was the flag-giving part for the newly established branches. Internet Branch and Medical Science Branch of Shanghai Alumni Association were established in 2017. Liu Zuguo, dean of Medical College of Xiamen University made a video recording to send his blessing. Zeng Guobin and Wan Jianhua gave flags to the presidents of these two branches respectively. President of Internet Branch is Chen Jianhe who studied in School of Economics of Xiamen University in 1984 and president of Medical Science Branch is Liu Rixian who studied clinical medicine in Xiamen University in 1996.  

Later, assistant principal Zhang Jianlin made a speech on behalf of Xiamen University. He mainly focused on the building of Malaysia campus. He said that the building of Malaysia campus continued Xiamen University’s style, white brick and red tile, one tall building with four smaller ones. However, it also combined the characteristics of local Malay elements. Last year, Malaysia campus welcomed its first group of students and it was expected that the number of students would reach 3000 at the end of this year. He hoped that Shanghai alumni could continue to pay attention to the development of the alma mater and take the opportunity to visit Malaysia campus.

This annual meeting is co-organized by Economic and Financial Branch and it manifests features of this branch very well. It specially set the round-table forum part in which authorities in financial field and some famous alumni offered their advice. Guests had a rich discussion on the topic "2017, where to go--strategies on the largest category of asset allocation".

Subsequently, Chen Zhixiong, 90-year-old senior advisor of Shanghai Alumni Association who studied in Department of International Trade in 1949 proposed a toast. Chen said Shanghai was rainy those days but the heart of the alumni who attended the meeting was fiery. He wished our alma mater a success in becoming a double first-rate university and all the alumni success in work. Alumni present there were encouraged by Chen’s words and celebrated a toast.

After the meeting were programs prepared by the branches. With good wine and dainty dishes, joy was overflowing during the luncheon. Laughter lingered around the hall.

Shanghai Alumni Association of Xiamen University has been set up for 32 years. "Pursue excellence, strive for perfection", this school motto is the common bond of the Shanghai alumni and "fill this endless world with my love " is the commitment alumni association made to you.

