Secretariat of the General Alumni Association Vigorously Advances the Construction of Pingtan and LongYan Alumni Associations

  • 2017/10/19
  • GAA Highlights

Recently, secretariat of the General Alumni Association visited Pingtan and Longyan respectively and talked with local alumni to forge ahead steadily the construction of Pingtan Alumni Association and the leadership transition of LongYan Alumni Association.

The preparatory meeting of Pingtan Alumni Association was held on June 8. Ten representatives from various fields gathered together and had a heated discussion over the establishment of the alumni association. Zeng Guobin, secretary general of the General Alumni Association and Zheng Shudong, party secretary of School of Journalism and Communication drove to Pingtan and discussed with alumni over how to have an extensive contact with Pingtan alumni so that Pingtan Alumni Association could be set up as early as possible. Zeng Guobin introduced participants the fast and continuous development of local alumni associations in recent years; emphasized the important roles that alumni associations play in serving alumni, the alma mater, and the society in the new era; shared experience of founding local alumni associations gathered in recent years; and sketched the basic processes of founding a local alumni association. He hoped that alumni could participate actively in the preparatory work to promote the early establishment of Pingtan Alumni Association. At the meeting, preparatory group was formally established. Wu Peidong who graduated from the Department of Economics was elected as group leader and Zheng Zuming who graduated from the Department of biology in 1973 was elected as secretary general. As soon as the establishment of the preparatory group, they created a WeChat group of the preparatory group and set out to deploy the next work plan.

The forum for the leadership transition of LongYan Alumni Association was held as scheduled on June 11. Shi Huixia, deputy secretary general of the General Alumni Association and Qiu Wenhua, deputy director of Science and Technology Department participated in the forum. In the forum, Ma Xianfu, current president of Longyan Alumni Association introduced the development of Longyan Alumni Association and made this year’s work report. Since its register in 2001, LongYan Alumni Association has viewed serving the alma mater and contributing to the society as its mission. It organized a series of alumni activities including calligraphy and painting exhibition and anniversary commemoration meeting that had a good impact on the alumni. Shi Huixia suggested that association further liaise with alumni in other disciplines and let them join in the work of the leadership transition. She also said that school hoped to gather advice on the cooperation between school and local alumni associations through this preparatory meeting so as to lay a good foundation for the joint conference of alumni from nine cities and one district that to be held in the second half of this year. Considering the peculiarity and importance of Changting in the history of Xiamen University, seeking for the information of Changting alumni through the visit and liaison process in order to propel the liaison work of Changting alumni was necessary. In the meeting, they also set a clear time frame for the leadership transition, created a WeChat group of the preparatory group, and made a specific division of labor.

The establishment of Pingtan Alumni Association and the leadership transition of Longyan Alumni Association is one of the big measures of secretariat of the General Alumni Association to further promote the establishment of alumni associations in prefecture-level cities in Fujian province.
