Instructions on Alumni Information Inquiry

  • 2017/10/19
  • Notice

The following instructions are specially formulated to further standardize the query and use of alumni information, to ensure the alumni work can be carried out smoothly, and to safeguard the interests of alumni of Xiamen University.


1. Alumni information is in principle only used for alumni affairs. No one shall be allowed to disclose alumni information (especially contact information). If the interests of alumni were severely harmed due to information leakage, the person in charge will be held accountable for their legal responsibility.

2. If any school/college/faculty/institution of Xiamen University needs alumni information, please contact the Secretariat directly. We will provide relevant information as appropriate. However, we do not provide contact information of alumni in principle. If necessary, we shall report to the Secretary-General for approval.

3. If students of Xiamen University need alumni information to participate in social practice and other activities, there must be justified reasons. Sealed approval of the College in written form is needed. The Secretariat shall proceed with reference to Article 2 above.

4. Concerning the inquiries from alumni into other alumni information, the Secretariat will firstly report to the alumni asked. If the alumni asked agree, the Secretariat will provide information needed.

5. For alumni asking for contact information of the local alumni association, the Secretariat shall directly inform the local alumni office telephone number, e-mail or contact information of the Secretary-General.

6. In the use of alumni information, if any information were found out of date or wrong, it should be promptly reported to the Department of Liaison of the Secretariat.


The regulations are interpreted by the Office of the Secretariat.


The Secretariat of the General Alumni Association (of Xiamen University)

March 4th, 2009
