Correspondents of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences’ 2016 Homecoming Day Was Held Successfully

  • 2017/10/19
  • Campus News

On April 3, as XMU celebrated its 95th anniversary, correspondents of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences’(SPS) 2016 Homecoming Day was held in Zhuangjin Building, Xiang’an District.

Secretary Li Yongqiang, on behalf of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, made a brief introduction of SPS, extended his gratitude to the support of the correspondents, and wished the event a great success. He said that through their effort, SPS had got a general understanding of alumni’s working condition and their development, and were proud of the progress they made. He also looked for valid advice for School’s further development. He added that SPS had gained great momentum in recent years, and hoped that it would become a strong backing of alumni through everyone’s hard work.

Zhang Xiaokun, Dean of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences made a detailed introduction of the construction and development, dating back to its founding of Department of Pharmacy in 2004, the establishment of biomedical sciences institute in 2006, and its official founding in 2010. Then he introduced the status quo of SPS related with the planning based on SPS’s 13th five-year plan, faculty, students’ cultivation, infrastructure, development direction, and hoped that the School would become first class in China, and in the world through everyone’s hard work. Then, correspondents were award nameplates.

Ding Changli, Deputy Dean of SPS hoped that correspondents could promote the development to alumni, increase alumni’s understanding of the alma mater, and enhance the relationship between alumni and the alma mater. At the same time, they would do their best to serve alumni and support their development in career.

After the beginning of the ceremony, they took a photo for memory and plant trees that symbolized the relationship between teachers and students.

The forum was held in the meeting room, where alumni summarized their employment condition after graduation, extended their gratitude to the cultivation and care of the teachers and leaders, and shared their feelings combined with their own experiences. They also mentioned that what they had learned in school lay foundation for their career and were beneficial to them. Wang Wenzhu, a postgraduate, Class of 2012, said that staff who were schoolfellows of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of XMU were the models in the company, for they not only had a good command of the knowledge, but also shared good quality of curiousness, which attributed to the education they got in school. Alumni also offered some constructive advice on how to set up alumni association, and how to organize homecoming day on a large scale.

On the afternoon, in the face-to-face time, alumni communicated with students at school and shared they experiences, helping them make clear about their occupational planning, from which students benefited a lot.
