The First Alumni Symposium of Medical College of Xiamen University

  • 2017/10/19
  • Campus News

On the morning of January 18, the first alumni symposium of Medical College of Xiamen University was held in Huan Xian Building. Pan Shimo, Vice President of Xiamen University General Alumni Association and former Executive Deputy President, Shao Peng fei, Secretary of Medical College’s communist party, Qi Zhongquan, Deputy Dean of Medical College, Zhang Ye, Deputy Dean of Medical College, Shi Yulong, Vice Chairman of the Staff Committee and former Office Director of Medical College, and more than ten the first patch of graduates of Medical College attended the symposium, hosted by Zeng Guobin, Secretary General of Xiamen University General Alumni Association.

The symposium started with the video of alumni association around the China, and old photos of the founding of Medical College. Zeng Guobin, on behalf of Xiamen University General Alumni Association, welcomed the alumni back. First, Shao Pengfei introduced the development of Medical College with emphasis on the construction of the affiliated hospital and prominent progress on the core competitiveness in scientific research recently. Then, Deputy Dean Qi Zhongquan and Zhang Ye, in charge of scientific research and teaching respectively, had pleasant talks with alumni.

Founded in October, 1996, Medical College of Xiamen University consisted of 21 elite students selected from oceanology, biology, chemistry, and other subjects. Now, they have become the backbone in their hospitals. Of the 21 students, Chen Yangchun have finished his project on national natural science fund, which is applying for national patent. Tang Yaling, awarded “national May 1 Labor Prize”, won the first prize in medical licensing examination and came to the first place again in the national competition on Obstetrics and gynecology last year. Recalling the days spent in Xiamen University, they extended their gratitude to the teachers, gave advice and suggestion on the development of Medical College and were willing to contribute their shares.

Pan Shimo attributed great achievement the first graduates to the hard work of the students and the teachers who were professors and associate professors of Xiamen University and medical university around the country, which laid sold foundation for further development. Recalled the time in Chang Ting, he said that it was the first-class faculty and the hard-work of the students that matters in spite of the hardware conditions. Bur for the efforts of Li Shangda, Hong Yongshi, Zhou Yuanqing, Jin Zheng, and other leaders, overseas Chinese, and experts in the founding of Medical College, and the dedication of physicians in Xiamen and professors in the university, the achievement could not have been made. He appealed that they come back in 2016 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of graduation.

The symposium lasted more than two hours, ended with the good hope of a brighter future of Medical College and Xiamen University.
