On December 2, the 2016 Alumni Workshop of Dezhen Social Classroom Fund as well as the XMU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum for Female College Students kicked off at Keli Building on the XMU Siming Campus. Mr. Lai Hongkai, Deputy Party Secretary and Head of the disciplinary commission of XMU attended the event. Ms. Zhan Xinli, Vice President of XMU and Deputy Chairwoman of XMU Alumni Association, was also present at the forum.
At the forum, five alumni guest speakers engaged in a heated discussion and exchange of views around such topics as “What are the unique strengths of female entrepreneurs compared with their male counterparts”, “Whether college girls should be encouraged to start a business or not”, and “What are the major factors defining the success of a female entrepreneur”. Base on their personal entrepreneurial experience and career insights, their talks were straight from the shoulder yet spiced with witty catchphrases and punch lines.
Ms. Lin Bing, Executive Vice President of Fujian Star-net Communication Co., Ltd, stressed that the biggest obstacle facing female entrepreneurs is not from others, but from themselves. It is their learning and professional quality that matter the most, she noted. She suggested that college girls should choose a trade that is related to their fields of study, and they are advised to know themselves well and to know what suits them best before they start a business. An excellent entrepreneur is supposed to be honest, punctual, reliable and good at giving feedbacks, she concluded.
Edited by Long Jin