Professor Zongwei Cai wins Second Class State Natural Science Award
Professor Zongwei Cai of the Department of Chemistry of HKBU won the 2011 State Natural Science Award Second Class for a collaborative research project entitled “Analytical Methodology, Formation and Transformation Mechanism on Persistent Toxic Substances”. The collaborators of the project are Prof. Guibin Jiang, Prof. Minghui Zheng, Prof, Jingfu Liu and Prof. Yaqi Cai from the Research Center of Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Persistent toxic substances (PTS) are highly toxic pollutants that have long-term impact on the environment. The award winning project investigates analysis methodology, formation and transportation, as well as toxic effects of PTS. It focuses on the application of new materials and principles in developing technologies for pre-handling samples and coming up with fast solutions for analysis. The research has also laid a remarkable foundation for future studies by exploring the role of nano-materials in environmental analysis.
In addition, the research also examines the sources and characteristics of dioxide in soil pollution and studies the environmental behaviors and toxic effects caused by new persistent organic pollutants. Professor Zongwei Cai said: “Based on the strong experience of our research team, we were appointed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection to conduct a special project entitled “Inventory on Dioxins Emission in China” in order to compile a list of dioxide emission sources. The list has been approved by 13 relevant ministries and submitted to the United Nation as an international guideline for implementing relevant practice in controlling dioxide pollution.


